All children in Denmark are guaranteed a place in a childcare institution. Most of the Danish families use child daycare. If your child is between 0-3 years old, we offer day nurseries (in Danish: vuggestue) and kindergartens for children between 3-6 years old. For children between 6-10 years we have pre-school and afterschool centres. It is also possible to use local childcare, where the children are cared for in private homes (in Danish: Dagpleje).
Check out the childcare institutions in Hedensted Municipality (in Danish)
Sign up for childcare
Pladsanvisningen can help you sign up your child for childcare.
If you need to get in contact with Pladsanvisningen, you can send an email to: [email protected] (do not send sensitive personal data) or call: 79 75 52 64.
Opening hours (telephone)
Monday-Wedneyday: 12.30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Thursday: 12.30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Sign up via the digital service
You can sign up your child via our digital service. This site is only available in Danish. If you need help you are welcome to contact Pladsanvisningen.
Income-based allowance and sibling allowance
If your household income is below a certain amount, you might be entitled to an income-based daycare allowance.
Find more information about income-based allowance on